Widmanstatten在 19世纪初用硝酸水溶液腐刻铁陨石切片 ,观察到片状 Fe- Ni奥氏体的规则分布 (魏氏组织 ) ,予告金相学即将诞生。 Sorby在 1863年用反射式显微镜观察抛光腐刻的钢铁试样 ,不但看到珠光体中的渗碳体和铁素体的片状组织 ,还对钢的淬火和回火作了初步探讨 ,金相学已基本形成。到 19- 2 0世纪之交 ,Martens(马氏 )和 Osmond对金相学的发展和金相检验在厂矿中的推广做了重要贡献 ,同时 Roberts- Austen(奥氏 )和 Roogzeboom初步绘制出 Fe- C平衡图 ,为金相学奠定了理论基础。到了二十世纪中叶 ,金相学已逐步发展成金属学、物理冶金和材料科学。
In the beginning of the 19th century Widmansttten used diluted water solution of nitric acid to etch a slice of iron meteorite and observed an oriented pattern of Fe\|Ni austenite, anticipating the birth of metallography. In 1863 Sorby examined iron and steel specimens prepared by grinding, polishing, and etching by means of a reflection microscope and observed pearlite composed of fine cementite and ferrite lamellae. he has also discussed the possible transformations occurred in quenching and annealing of steels. This announced the birth of metallography. During the shift of the 19th century, Martens and Osmond made important contribution to the development of metallography and its application in the metal industry. In the meantime, Roberts\|Austen and Roozeboom constructed the preliminary Fe\|C phase diagram, which laid the foundation of metallography. Coming to the fifties of the 20th century, metallography developed successively into physical metallurgy and materials science.
Materials Science and Engineering