
海洋文化研究模式初探 被引量:4

On Research Model of Maritime Culture
摘要 文章提出以人、海、船、岛四大基本构成要素,试为海洋文化研究设定问题意识和研究模式。这四大要素之间的不同关联和结合,产生了不同的海洋文化模式,进而形成了人与环境的互动、空间的生产与现代性的展开等不同的模式。借助这种研究模式,可能会发现一些被主流遗忘和压抑的话语和文本,释放一些无意识的社会能量,进而为建构具有中国特色的海洋文化理论,塑造海洋时代的中国国家形象,促进中华民族的伟大复兴作出自己应有的贡献。 This article attempts to set up the problematic consciousness and propose research models for the study of maritime culture based on the four key elements of people, ocean, ships and islands. It is the varied relations and combinations between the above four elements that yield different models of maritime culture, and thus form various patterns such as interaction between people and their environment, production of space and expansion of modernity. With the above research models, discourses and texts forgotten and suppressed by the mainstream might be found and unconscious social energies be released, which would eventually contribute to the construction of maritime culture theory of Chinese characteristics, and help to shape Chinese national image at the marine time and realize the great rejuvenation of our nation.
作者 张德明
出处 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2014年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Ningbo University:Liberal Arts Edition
基金 985工程浙江大学文科海洋交叉项目(188050+193415A01)
关键词 海洋文化 四大要素 文化模式 maritime cuhure four elements cultural pattern
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