目的:观察益肝愈瘿颗粒治疗甲状腺机能亢进症合并肝功能异常的临床疗效。方法 :234例分为中药组121例和西药组113例,两组均按《中国甲状腺疾病诊治指南》方案治疗。中药组另服益肝愈瘿颗粒(虎杖、金钱草、地耳草、青黛、土大黄、鹅不食草、楮实子),西药组口服甘草酸二铵肠溶胶囊,两组均治疗4周后观察总体疗效、肝功能指标变化及停药2周后肝功能有无"反跳"。结果 :总有效率中药组89.3%、西药组67.3%,两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。停药2周后,肝功能"反跳"中药组13例(12.0%),西药组32例(42.1%),两组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论 :益肝愈瘿颗粒治疗甲状腺机能亢进症合并肝功能异常疗效显著,停药后很少出现"反跳"。
Objective: To observe the clinical effect on hyperthyroidism combined with abnormal liver function treated by Yigan Yuying Granule. Method: 234 cases were divided into 121 cases of Chinese medicine group and 113 cases of western medicine group. Both groups were treated in accordance with Chinese guideline on diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease. Chinese medicine group were treated with Yigan Yuying Granule (Polygonum cuspidatum, Lysimachia christinae Hance, Herba Hyperici japonici, Indigo Naturalis, Rumex nepalensis, Centipeda minima, Frnctus broussonetiae) additionally while western medicine group were treated with diammonium glycyrrhizinate enteric-coated capsules additionally. After four-week treatment, the general efficacy, the changes of liver function and the rebound effect of liver function after drug withdrawal for 2 weeks of both groups were observed. Result: The total effective rate of Chinese medicine group and western medicine group was 89.3% and 67.3% respectively. There was significant difference between the two groups (P〈0.05). After drug withdrawal for 2 weeks, the rebound liver function cases of the Chinese medicine group was 13 cases (12.0%) while that of the western group was 32 cases (42.1%). There was significant difference between the two groups (P〈0.05). Conclusion: Yigan Yuying Granule has significant therapeutic effect on hyperthyroidism combined with abnormal liver function with little rebound effect after drug withdrawal.
Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine