在分析我国北方地区现代风蚀荒漠化土地成因的基础上 ,指出荒漠化的主要原因在于人口激增及过度放牧、滥垦乱樵、水土资源过度开发等不合理的人为活动。为了有效地防治土地荒漠化 ,提出如下建议 :合理规划利用水土资源 ,保证生态环境用水 ;综合治理与综合经营相结合 ,注重生态效益 ;把林草植被建设作为防治荒漠化的主体 ,生物措施与工程措施相结合 ;重视应用推广先进治理技术 。
Based on the analysis of desertification in north China,the main causes of desertification in China are artificial factors,such as high speed increment of population,over grazing,misuses of forest and fuel wood collection,misuses of water resources in dry land region.In order to combat desertification,the following suggistion were put forward:1)Rational planning of land use to guarantee water of eco environment needs.2)Integrated harness with management and pay much attention to ecological benfits.3)Combine biological measures with engineering measures and take biological measures as key methods.4) Pay much attention to advanced technologies extension.5)Rely on the whole society to combat desertification.
World Forestry Research