目的 总结髋关节后脱位合并股骨头骨折 12例的诊治情况。方法 根据股骨头骨折X线片及CT所见采取单纯牵引 7例 ,手术治疗 5例 ,包括关节内游离骨片摘除 1例 ,髋关节碎骨片清理 ,髋臼骨折复位内固定 2例 ,行股骨头骨折切开复位可吸收螺丝钉内固定术 2例。术后早期开始被动及主动髋关节功能锻炼。结果 经过 6个月~ 3年随访 ,髋关节功能优良率达 91 6 %。结论 对髋脱位复位后股骨头骨折对位良好及关节腔外非负重区游离骨片者无需手术治疗 ,同时注意关节早期功能锻炼 。
WT5”BZ][HT5”H]Objective [HT5”SS]To review the diagnosis and treatment of 12 patients with femoral head fracture associated with posterior dislocation of hip joint.[HT5”H]Methods [HT5”SS]The methods of treatment were selected according to the findings of X ray and CT scanning.7 cases were treated with traction.Of the 5 cases treated with operation,1 was treated with resection of intra articular free bone fragments,2 cases with dêbridement,reduction and internal fixation of acetabulum fracture and 2 cases with reduction and internal fixation of femoral head fracture using absorbable screws.[HT5”H]Results [HT5”SS]After 6 months to 3 years of follow up,the results were satisfactory,with excellent and good rate of 91.6%.[HT5”H]Conclusion [HT5”SS]Surgical treatment is not indicated in the femoral head fractures without free bone fragments in weight bearing zone following the satisfactory reduction of the fracture.Early joint functional exercises should be instituted for joint remodeling and repair of the articular cartilage. [WT5”HZ]
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology