山西省某场美国七彩山鸡发病 ,确诊为七彩山鸡的传染性脑脊髓炎。其外部症状明显表现为精神沉郁、反应迟钝、头颈震颤 ,共济失调。病理解剖表明 ,该病病变主要在脑部 ,具体表现为脑膜紧张、湿润 ,血管呈树枝状充血状态 ,大小脑水肿。观察其病理组织学特征 ,切片表现为神经细胞变性和坏死、神经小胶质细胞增生、脑和脊髓出现明显的血管周围浸润现象 。
Chicks infected with AEV showed nervous signs,fine tremor of the head and neck,incoordination and ataxia were present,and the brids showed an inclination to sit on their hocks.Clinically,gross lesions were not observed,hoserved,however,histological examination showed distnct widely distributed lesions in the central nervous system.Non-purulent encephalomyelitis charcterized by perivascular cuffing,focal or diffuse gliosis in the cerebrum,cerebellum and medulla spinalis focal glical nodules especially in the stuatun molecular of the cerebellum,degenerative changes and necrosis in the neurons of the brain stem were detected.No lesions were seen in the peripheral nerves.In the muscular layer of the proventriculus and pancreas,there were mononuclear foci which were pathognomonic findings in avian encephalomyelitis.
Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine