利用面向用户的可视化软件Visual Basic 6.0和UG 6.0进行盘形凸轮机构CAD系统设计。输入原始参数后,得到该参数下的凸轮廓线、机构运动分析及运动仿真,大大缩短解析法设计凸轮廓线时数据处理时间,为高速高精度凸轮机构的设计、制造和检测提供了有利条件。使凸轮机构的设计直观化、实时化。通过实例验证,该软件界面友好,方便直观,既可用于工程实际,又可满足教学需要。
Design of the CAD system of cam mechanism with VB6.0 and UG6.0 for user is made.The parameters are inputed, and the cam motion analysis and motion simulation are obtained.The datas managing time with resolution designing cam could be shortened, the design efficiency is improved.Through example test, the software is feriendly, it can be used not only prac-ticing but also teaching.
Mechanical Research & Application