针对分频器输出信号功率对输入信号功率不敏感的特性,提出了一种简单实用的开环式自动电平控制系统。该系统的电路由一个以10 dB为步进的衰减器和一个以1 dB为步进的可变增益放大器级联而成,其实现算法主要由前期建表与功率控制算法组成,而功率控制算法主要由双线性插值算法和直接赋值算法组成。通过实验对设计的电路及算法进行了验证,当输入信号功率范围为0^+10 dBm时,系统输出功率范围为-30^+10 dBm,步进为1 dB,功率误差为±2 dB。
Since the divider output signal power is not sensitive to the input one,a simple and practical openloop automatic level control(ALC) system is proposed,whose circuit is composed of a 10 dB-step attenuator and a 1 dB-step variable gain amplifier.The algorithm mainly consists of developed pre-build table algorithm and power control algorithm that consists of the bilinear interpolation algorithm and the direct assignment algorithm.The circuit and the algorithm are verified by experiment,when input power range is 0 ~ +10 dBm,the system output power range is-30 ~ + 10 dBm,with 1 dB-step and ±2 dB power error.
Measurement & Control Technology