
流动人口社会管理面临的新问题与对策——以上海市为例 被引量:15

New Problems and Solutions of Social Management of Migrant Workers:A Case Study of Shanghai
摘要 本文以上海为例,考察了上海在流动人口社会管理方面面临的新形势、新问题。近年来上海市流动人口剧增、空间分布发生变化、居住长期化、家庭化趋势日益明显等,带来了更为严峻的群租、违章搭建、违规经营,以及政治诉求日益突出、公共资源紧张等问题。在此基础上,本文提出:制定正确的人口导向,加强来沪人员总量调控;注重顶层设计,加强统筹协调;科学决策,优化政策效应;创新管理模式,实行融合式管理、人力资源的管理;进一步完善居住证积分制度,不断提升服务水平等对策思路。 This paper examines the social management of the floating population in Shanghai facing the new situation and new problems. Current population growth in recent years in Shanghai, spatial distribution changes, long-term residence, family oriented trend is increasingly evident, etc.. It brings the more serious base rent, illegal structures, illegal business, and political demands increasingly, public resource constraints and other issues. On this basis, this paper proposes to develop the right people-oriented, strengthen Shanghai staff total control, emphasis on top-level design, strengthen co-ordination, scientific decision-making, optimize the effect of policies; innovation management model; the implementation of converged management, human resource management ; further improve the residence permit integration system, and continuously improve service levels and other
作者 潘鸿雁
机构地区 上海行政学院
出处 《上海行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期30-36,共7页 The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute
基金 国家社会科学基金课题<城市流动人口家庭的社会服务需求研究--基于对上海市的调查>(11BSH068)的阶段性成果
关键词 流动人口 社会管理 Migrant Workers Social Management
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