近十五年来 ,我国数据库研究与数据库建设从起步到迅速发展 ,逐步向国际水平接近。据不完全统计 ,在这期间 (1984 - 1998) ,共有 72 7位作者的 6 13篇数据库方面的论文发表在 6 3种图书馆学、情报学、信息学刊物和各大学学报上 ,该文试图通过这 6 13篇论文 ,分析近十五年来我国数据库研究的状况 ,以期为我国数据库建设提供一些有益的探索经验。
The research and construction of the database in our country is near the international level in these 15 years.During this Period there are about 727 authors who publish 613 papers on database in the 63 kinds of library and information periodicals. This paper would analyze the research of database in our country by those 613 published papers in order to give some suggestion to the construction of database. Key words:databaseinition,with this definition,user can accomplish complex transformation between different document.
Shanxi Library Journal