
企业技术开发与情报分析决策服务 被引量:2

Technology Development of Enterprises and Service of Information Analysis Decision
摘要 本文从提供具有企业技术开发能力的决策性情报信息服务 ,分析各种技术情报为企业提供开发新产品信息 ,分析企业生产技术形态 ,利用情报综合最佳方案等 3个方面论述了情报分析决策与企业开发的关系和重要作用。 This paper discusses the relationship between information analysis decision and enterprises development and the importance of the former from the three aspects Service of information analysis decision provides enterprises with the capability of technology development,all kinds of technological information enterprises with information of develop new products and analysis on technological state,synthesizes optimal schemes by utilizing information
作者 奕美晨
机构地区 鞍山市图书馆
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 2000年第6期525-526,532,共3页 Information Science
关键词 企业 技术开发 情报服务 情报分析决策 Enterprise vigor Technology development Information service Decision analysis
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