目的探讨肿瘤标志物癌胚抗原(carcinoembryonic antigen,CEA)、糖类抗原(carbohydrate antigen,CA)19—9、CA724在结直肠癌中的诊断价值。方法收集2011年1月-2012年5月期间在我院确诊为结直肠癌的患者153例为患者组,同期选择67例健康体检者作为对照组,检测其血清CEA、CA19—9、CA724水平,按检测结果将患者组分为肿标阳性组和肿标阴性组,并对检测结果进行统计学分析。结果三项肿瘤标志物检测水平在肿标阳性组、肿标阴性组及对照组间差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05),肿标阳性组三项肿瘤标志物水平均高于肿标阴性组及对照组,且差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。三项肿瘤标志物诊断结直肠癌患者的阳性率分别为32.09%、14.18%、11.94%,三项联合检测的阳性率为43.28%。肿标阳性组、肿标阴性组患者手术前后血清CEA水平差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05),而CA19—9水平在两组患者手术前后差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05),血清CA724水平在肿标阳性组患者手术前后差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而在肿标阴性组患者手术前后差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。处于不同Dukes分期的结直肠癌患者血清CEA、CA19—9、CA724水平差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。在不同Dukes分期患者中,三项肿瘤标志物联合检测的阳性率均在40%左右。结论三项肿瘤标志物在结直肠癌中的诊断阳性率均较低,建议临床高度怀疑结直肠癌的患者,即使在各肿瘤标志物均为阴性的情况下,也应及早接受肠镜检查,以免贻误病情。对于已手术的患者,定期监测肿瘤标志物可作为其术后评估指标。
Objective To explore the diagnostic value of tumor markers including carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), carbohydrate antigen (CA)19-9 and CA724 in colorectal cancer. Methods 153 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer were collected from January 2011 to May 2012 in our hospital. 67 healthy sub- jects were selected as control group. The levels of CEA, CA19-9 and CA724 were detected, and the patients were divided into positive group and negative group according to the level of tumor markers. The results were analyzed statistically. Results There were statistical significance in the differences of three tumor makers lev- els among control group, positive group and negative group (Pall〈 0.05). The levels of three tumor makers in positive group were all higher than in negative group and control group, and the differences all had statistical significance (Pall〈 0.05). The positive rate of three tumor makers in diagnosing colorectal cancer were 32.09%, 14.18% and 11.94% respectively, and the positive rate of combine detection was 43.28%. There were statisti- cal significance in the differences of CEA level between before and after operation in positive group and nega- tive group (Pall〈 0.05), but there were no statistical significance in the differences of CA19-9 level (Pall〉 0.05 ). There were statistical significance in the difference of CA724 level between before and after operation in positive group (P〈 0.05), but no statistical significance in negative group (P〉 0.05 ). There were no statistical significance in the differences of CEA, CA19-9 and CA724 level among different Dukes stages (Pall〉 0.05), and the positive rate of combine detection were all about 40% in different Dukes stages. Conclusion The positive rate of three tumor makers in diagnosing colorectal cancer are all lower.The patient with high risk of colorectal cancer should accept enteroscopy in order to avoid bungle pathogenetic condition. Regular monitoring tumor makers can be the evaluate target postop
Chinese Journal of Clinical Pathologist