
促孕散治疗持久黄体奶牛血清白介素与激素的相关性分析 被引量:2

Correlation Analysis of IL and Hormone in Serum During Treatment of Persistent Courpus Luteum with Fertility-promoting Power in Dairy Cows
摘要 为探讨促孕散治疗持久黄体不孕奶牛血清生殖激素和白介素含量的关系,应用ELISA法测定了促孕散治疗持久黄体不孕奶牛前后血清中促卵泡素(FSH)、促黄体素(LH)、孕激素(P4)、雌二醇(E2)、IL-1和IL-6的浓度,分析了4种激素和2种白介素间的相关关系与回归方程。结果表明,IL-1和IL-6水平与P呈负相关,与E2、FSH、LH呈正相关,结论:促孕散治疗持久黄体奶牛前后在血清中IL-1和IL-6的变化与生殖激素的分泌具有一定的相关性。 In order to investigate the relationship between IL and Hormone in serum of Dairy Cows, which have Persistent Courpus Luteum, treated Fertility-promoting Power , The concentration of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ,luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone (P4), estradiol (E2), IL-land IL-6 in cows serum were determined by ELISA method before and after Taking Orally Fertility-promoting Power. The correlation between these hormones and interleukins were analyzed and established regression equations. The results showed that IL-1 and IL-6 levels were negatively correlated with P4, E2, FSH, however, LH was positively correlated with these hormones. In conclusion: the persistent corpus luteum with Fertility-promoting hormones change in serum. change in concentration of IL-1 ,IL-6 during treatment Power in Dairy cow could be induced by reproductive
出处 《草食家畜》 2013年第6期35-39,共5页 Grass-Feeding Livestock
基金 973计划前期研究专项(2011CB512012) 国家自然科学基金项目(31160517) 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012B AD43B01)
关键词 促孕散 持久黄体 奶牛 激素 白介素 相关性 fertility promoting powder persistent corpus luteum dairy cow hormone IL correlation
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