对X80板材建立了预弯状态下的有限元ANSYS模型,考虑了X80钢的材料应力-应变曲线及板材与模具接触等非线性因素,进行了弹塑性变形及应力非线性分析。模拟了不同跨距下0.06 m厚的X80板材在预弯状态下的弹塑性变形、等效应变和等效应力分布,得到发生弹性变形和塑性变形的临界跨距值。随着跨距增大,弹塑性变形亦呈增大趋势,并且随着应变的增加,塑性应变在材料总应变中所占比重越来越大。同时结合理论计算,将施加不同边界约束条件及模具跨距的板材预弯弹性压下量仿真结果与理论值进行了对比,在一定程度上对仿真分析进行了验证。在既定条件下,跨距与板材塑性变形并不成纯粹的正比关系,在实际工程应用中要考虑两者间的最佳配比关系。
On the platform of FEM simulation software AN SYS, in the state of pre-bent with different spans, elastic-plastic deformation and stress distribution of thick 0.06 m XS0 plank were simulated and investigated. The model imposed different boundary constraint conditions. Some other non-linear factors were considered in modeling. The critical values of elastic-plastic deformation and e quivalent strain and stress were obtained. As the span increases, e lastic-plastic deformation shows a growing trend. Compared with the theoretical calculation, the elastic simulation under different bound ary constraint conditions is proved reasonable to a certain extent. The latter constraint mode is closer to actual working condition. Plastic strain proportion in total strain grows with the span incre ment. The relationship between the plastic strain and span is not purely positive and it should consider harmonious relations between them when performing pre-bent structural design.
Journal of Machine Design