基于一种子母弹燃气抛放子弹装置 ,根据流体动力学和火药理论 ,尤其是借鉴了流体动力学的喷管理论 ,从实际情况出发 ,考虑了燃烧室内压强和推动子弹运动的压强之间的区别 ,提出了一种新的计算子母弹内弹道的方法 ,建立了具体的理论计算模型 ,并根据算例 ,与火炮内弹道学理论模型进行比较 ,说明了该模型的特点和长处。
According to one kind of delivering device of dispensers, on the base of the theory of hydrokinetics and powder, especially the theory of jet wash, a new method taking into account of the difference between the pressure into firebox and the pressure which impels the dispensers is found out for computing the interior ballistics of such dispenser. The theoretical computation model which using this method is also founded. On the base of the example, we compare the model with the artillery interior ballistics model and describe the merits of the model.
Aerospace Shanghai