目的 :探讨人工破膜在诊断羊水过少中的意义。方法 :观察组是根据人工破膜时所流出的羊水量判断羊水多少 ;对照组则用同期产前超声检查所见判断羊水多少。以产时所见羊水量作为最终诊断。结果 :人工破膜和超声诊断羊水过少的符合率分别是 79 73 %和 82 76 % ;两者无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ;人工破膜漏诊率 2 84% ,超声是 6 15 % ,两者无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 :人工破膜是诊断本病的一种有价值的方法 。
Objective: To explore the value of artificial rupture of membrane (ARM) in diagnosing oligohydramnios. Methods: In observing group, the judgement of amount of amniotic fluid depends on the amout of fluid flowing out when ARM takes place; while in control group the judgement depends on the amount of the homochronous amniotic fluid seen by B-Ultrasound examination ante partum. The final diagnosis is determined by the amount of amniotic fluid intrapartum. Thus the accurate judgement of ARM in diagnosing oligohydramnios is cleared. Results: The rate of coincident diagnosing percentage of ARM and B-ultrasound are 79.73% and 82.76% respectively, there is no significant difference between them (P>0.05);the missdiagnosing percentage of ARM is 2,84%, and that of B-ultrasound is 6.15%, there is also no significant difference between them (P>0.05).Conclusion: ARM is a valuable method in diagnosing oligohydramnios. If combined with B-ultrasound examination, it can be a best dependence in diagnosing oligohydramnios.
Anhui Medical Journal
Artificial rupture of membrane Oligohydramnios B-ultrasound examination