
泰国宪政体制多元化的进程、动力与前景 被引量:3

The Process,Impetus and Prospect of the Pluralism of Constitutional System of Thailand
摘要 宪政体制变革的动力,源于新旧利益集团在政治博弈中对权力边界的制度化诉求。20世纪90年代以来,随着军人集团的没落,以及城市中产阶级与新资本集团的相继兴起,泰国宪政体制在各派利益集团的持续冲突与妥协中不断重构。通过完善公民政治权利、提高地方自治、加强立法权与行政权制衡、创设独立监督体系等制度建设,泰国的宪政架构开始从一元转向多元。尽管从短期来看,由于宪政体制与权力结构的错位,各派利益集团将围绕修宪议题展开针锋相对的政治博弈,从而引发社会分裂与政治动荡,但从中长期来看,随着政治权力结构日趋多极化,泰国宪政体制将在"权力制衡"的多元化道路上继续前行,进而为社会经济发展提供平稳有序的政治环境。 The impetus of the change of constitutional system derives from the political demands of the interest groups in redrawing the boundary of authority. Since 1990s,the decline of the military junta, and the successive rise of the urban middle class and the neo-capital group, have led to the continuous political conflicts between the new and old interest groups, and make the constitutional system reconstruction repeatedly. By the institutional construction, such as improving the citizens' political rights, strengthening the local autonomy, promoting the checks and balances of the legislative and executive power, and establishing the independent supervision system, the constitutional system of Thailand have transformed from unitary structure to pluralistic structure. In the short term, due to the mlsalignment between the constitutional system and the power structure, the political conflicts of the interest groups which focus on the constitutional amendment have been so fierce, and have given rise to the social fragmentation and political instability. In the medium and long term, in correspondence with the muhi-pelarization of the power structure, the constitutional system of Thailand will become much more pluralism, and will provide an orderly political environment for the socio-economic development.
作者 周方冶
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2013年第4期20-31,共12页 Southeast Asian Affairs
关键词 泰国 宪政体制 多元化 利益集团 Thailand, constitutional system, pluralism, interest groups
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