
尼奥式突围:转型中的图书馆——基于哈佛图书馆重组的思考 被引量:5

Neo Type Breakout:Transformation of the Library——Thinking Based on the Harvard Library Reorganization
摘要 本文针对哈佛大学图书馆的重组事件,分析了其重组的原因,提出应该理性看待重组事件,采用尼奥式思维积极探索图书馆转型及未来发展战略与模式。 According at the Harvard University Library restructuring events this paper analyses the reasons of the reorgani- zation and puts forward that library should be a rational view of recombination events, use Neo type thinking in order to actively ex- plore the library transformation , development strategy and pattern of the library in the future.
作者 李秀娟
出处 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期13-15,共3页 Library
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