湿地学在国际上尚未形成完整的理论体系。在中国则处于初创时期 ,与国际水平差距较大。全面总结了中国湿地 50年的主要成就 :完成了全国沼泽调查 ;建成了若干研究基地 ,取得了一大批研究成果。在湿地生态系统及湿地与全球变化、湿地分类等方面的研究开始进入国际前沿。在此基础上提出 8项未来研究与建设重点 :湿地区域分异规律、湿地形成的多层圈作用过程与机制、湿地沉积动力学、内陆盐碱湿地与西部开发、湿地环境重建、湿地可持续发展、湿地保护理论与法规。
Ithas not found a complete system of theory on wetland science in the world. In this paper, wetland science was defined that: wetland science is a science to study formation and evolution law about wetland system. The main achivements of wetland research of China in the past 50 years were summarized: national marishs were indagated; lot of research results were made; some fields such as wetland system, wetland and global wetland classification et al, start to join in front of international research. Eight importante objects of wetland research were presented in the paper: law of region difference of wetlands; formation mechanism and deposition motivity of wetland; inland selt wetland and development of West China, reconstruction of wetland environment; sustainable development of wetland and founding national research institution and pubishing wetland journal.
Advances in Earth Science
中国科学院重大农业项目!"东北地区农业试验示范研究"专题"松辽平原盐碱地整治与农业开发 (1996~ 2 0 0 0 )"资助