Actinobacteria是形态上变化各异的 ,具有超过 5 0 % G+ C的 DNA碱基组成的 ,革兰氏染色呈阳性的微生物 ,放线菌是 Actinobacteria的一个组成部分 ,它们可产生丰富的次级代谢产物。目前 ,临床上使用的抗生素中有三分之二来自于放线菌。具有普通细菌形态的 Actinobacteria由于和放线菌具有相近的共同祖先 ,可能会具有一些其它的共性 ,是目前药物筛选中一个新的研究对象 ,但很难用形态观察的方法将之和其它细菌加以区分。本论文利用此类微生物 16 Sr RNA基因同源性 ,设计了两个探针 PA- 1、PA- 2并运用荧光原位杂交方法进行 Actinobacteria的鉴定 ,G+ C含量测定结果表明 ,这两个探针联合使用可直观、正确地鉴定 Acti-nobacteria。
The lineage of Actinobacteria class nov. comprises bacteria with a DNA base composition which generally is above 50% G+C (with a few exceptions) and has a gram positive staining. Some species of Actinobacteria have biotechnological or medical importance. Since the discovery of Streptomycin , a large number of antibiotics have been isolated from the cultures of a wide variety of Streptomycetes and rare Actinomycetes . For increasing the chance of discovering new useful compounds from microbial origin, we expanded the scope of screening targets from the members of Actinomycetes to Actinobacteria . We desinged two new probes PA 1, PA 2 targeted to 16S rRNA of Actinobacteria based on the alignment of 16S rRNA gene sequence and used fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to identify Actinobacteria . In order to confirm the accuracy of FISH result, the DNA G+C contents of these strains were detected. It was showed that the results of G+C content determination and FISH method were identccal. This proved FISH identification methods were effective and reliable.
Chinese Journal of Antibiotics