
咽鼓管鼓室粘膜辐射损伤的组织病理学观察 被引量:31

Histopathological observation of radiation damage of middle ear
摘要 目的 :观察豚鼠咽鼓管鼓室粘膜受γ射线照射后损伤的显微形态学改变 ,对其放射损伤的病理学基础作初步研究。方法 :选择正常成年豚鼠 16只 ,耳颞部接受 6 0Gyγ射线照射。照射结束后 2、4、8及 12周分别处死动物各四只 ,用显微镜观察照射侧的中耳腔、咽鼓管、鼓室粘膜 ;对照组动物 4只不作照射 ,取鼓室粘膜和咽鼓管作正常对照。结果 :实验组全部照射鼓室腔均出现大量脓细胞 ,随后局部出现肉芽组织及纤维组织 ;鼓室粘膜上皮完全脱落 ;粘膜下组织水肿 ,血管壁增厚 ,管腔变窄 ;咽鼓管粘膜上皮细胞胞浆淡染 ,粘膜下少量炎症细胞浸润 ,咽鼓管软骨镜下未见病理改变。结论 :豚鼠耳颞部受 6 0Gyγ射线照射后 ,中耳腔内发生化脓性炎症 ,随后局部出现肉芽组织及纤维组织 ,对中耳传音功能造成难以恢复的损伤 ;照射后鼓室粘膜比咽鼓管粘膜的损伤更严重 ;咽鼓管、鼓室粘膜下组织微循环减少 。 Purpose:To observe the morphological change under microscope and study the pathologic basis of radiation damage of middle ear.Methods:16 healthy adult guinea were exposed to a fractionated gamma radiation (6 Gy per day) with a total dose of 60 Gy on one side of the temporal bone. Every four animals were killed on the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth week after radiation and their irradiated eustachine tube and temproal bone were taken to study using microscope. Four animals not treated with γ ray were selected as contrasting group.Results:Nine of the sixteen experimental animals had tympanic membrane perforation on the irradiated side. In the irradiated tympanic cavities of the 16 animals there existed accumulations which were proved by light microscopy to be large amounts of pyocytes at second, fourth and eighth week after radiation and the pyocytes disappeared,plasma cells increased, granulation tissue were formed and produced new fibrous tissues in the twelfth week. The epithelial tissue of the tympanic cavity peeled off. The connective tissue under the mucosa become edema, capillaries dilate or even rupture, the blood vessel walls were thickened and the lumen narrowed. The epithelial cells of the eustachian tube damaged slightly and only a few infilitrated inflammation cells were found in the submucosa.Conclusions:After being exposed to γ ray to a total dose of 60 Gy the epithelial tissues of eustachian tube and middle ear mucosa were damaged and the latter was more serious. Bacteria infection and suppurative inflammation occurred and then granulation and fibrous tissues were produced in the middle ear. The connective tissue under the mucosa become edematous. The walls of the capillaries thickened and the lumen narrowed. This would be disadvantageous in the repair of the epithelium.
出处 《中国癌症杂志》 CAS CSCD 2000年第6期547-549,共3页 China Oncology
基金 广东省 95重点攻关资助项目! (编号 :2 7)
关键词 辐射损伤 中耳 咽鼓管鼓室粘膜 病理学 radiation injury middle ear guinea pig
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