为了探索杨树高产栽培水肥措施,采用盆栽试验,研究低水(W1)、常规水分(W2)和高水(W3)3种水分条件下,配施腐殖酸(M)和单施无机肥对杨树生长和土壤肥力的影响。结果表明:低水条件下,配施腐殖酸与单施无机肥处理杨树总生物量无显著差异,而在常规水和高水条件下有显著差异。低水、常规水和高水条件下,杨树平均总生物量分别为14.60 g、96.03 g和230.00 g,差异明显。相同水分下,配施腐殖酸降低了土壤硝态氮、速效磷和速效钾含量,提高了铵态氮含量;提高土壤有机碳量,增加土壤腐殖质的活性;提高多酚氧化酶活性,但对过氧化氢酶活性无显著差异;脲酶活性在低水和常规水分下,施腐殖酸处理高于单施无机肥处理,差异显著,高水条件下差异不显著。研究表明,施腐殖酸在低水条件下发挥不了其活性作用,在常规水分和高水下施腐殖酸对杨树养分生长和土壤肥力产生显著影响。
In order to explore poplar high-yield water and fertilizer condition, the effect of humic acid and inorganic fertilizer on poplar growth and soil fertility were conducted under low, normal and high three different water levels by pot experiment. The result showed that: there was no significant difference on the dry weight under low water treatment between the hpplication of humic acid and inorganic fertilizer, but had significant difference under regular and high water treatment. Under the three different water levels, total average dry weights were 14.60 g, 96.03 g and 230.00 g respectively which had significant difference between them. Compared with inorganic fertilizer under the same water levels, the application of humic acid significantly decreased the contents of nitrate nitrogen and available P, K, increased the content of ammonium nitrogen; significantly increased the contents of total C and correspondingly the humus activity; and had significantly enhanced the activity of polyphenol oxidase enzyme, but had little effect on catalase enzyme. As for the urease enzyme, the application of humic acid significantly increased urease enzyme in the low and regular watertreatment, and had no significant difference in the high water treatment. To sum up, application of humid acid were blocked under low water treatment, but it had significant effects on poplar growth and soil fertility under regular and high water treatment.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
humic acid
poplar growth
soil fertility