

Research on Load Balancing Method Based on Cloud Computing
摘要 针对虚拟机层和物理机层之间存在的链式负载关系,建立了双层控制的负载均衡框架,对负载度和相对负载均衡度进行建模,引入了综合权值和迁移概率的计算,提出了任务调度算法和动态迁移算法.实验结果表明该方法在实现了物理机和虚拟机层的负载均衡的同时,提高了资源利用率. Aiming at the chain relationship between the load of the virtual machine and the physical machine, the paper builds a load balancing framework based on the double-layer controlling, and the model of load degree and relatively load balancing degree. The paper also introduces the computing method of integrated weight and migration probability. With this, the task scheluding and live migration algrithom effect on the load balancing. The result shows that this method implemenles the load balancing while improving the resource utilization.
出处 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期77-80,84,共5页 Microelectronics & Computer
关键词 负载均衡 云计算 综合权值 迁移概率 load balancing~ cloud computing~ integrated weight~ migration probability
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