目的 探讨修复或重建上肢不同平面绞轧性毁损后的方法和疗效。方法 对 36例上肢不同平面绞轧性毁损患者采用下述方法 :(1)肢体短缩修复上肢 12例 ;(2 )残指移位再造拇指 3例 ,再造手3例 ;(3)游离复合组织瓣移植修复前臂及腕部软组织缺损 9例 ;(4)带蒂皮瓣、筋膜皮瓣修复手部创面 ,二期修复神经肌腱重建手功能 9例。结果 36例中 31例成功 ,5例失败。术后随访 1~ 8年 ,31例手功能损害值平均下降 6 5 % ,疗效满意。 5例失败者的原因是急性肾功能衰竭 ,局部感染严重 ,血管持续痉挛等。结论 上肢不同平面绞轧性毁损伤患者 ,只要全身情况许可 ,应根据各种不同伤情选用不同方法 。
Objective To investigate the methods and treatment outcome for repair or reconstruction of strangulated destructive injury of the upper limb at different levels. Methods 36 cases with strangulated destructive injury of the upper limb were treated with the folloving procedures: (1) Shortening of upper limb (12 cases). (2) Reconstruction of the thumb (3 cases) and fingers (3 cases) by transfer of the preserved fingers. (3) Repair of forearm and wrist tissue defect by free composite tissue flap transfer (9 cases) (4) Secondary nerve and tendon repair following pedicled skin flap or fascial flap. Results 31 of 36 cases survived uneventfully . Over a 8 years’ follow up, there was 65 % decline in the hand function deficit in 31 cases, achieving a satisfactory result. The failure in 5 cases results from acute renal failure, serious local infection and continuous vessel spasm. Conclusions For patients with strangulated destructive injury of the upper limb, if permitted by general, options should be made according to the injury type in order to rescue the injuried limb and restore limb function.
Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery
Arm injuries
Surgical flaps
Tissue transplantation