近来我们在射电脉冲星的逆康普顿散射模型,致密星物理以及一些相关问题上做了下列几项工作:1) 对脉冲星物理中的一系列基本理论进行了较深入的研究,包括对裸奇异星比中子星更可能是射电脉冲星之起源的观点的论证。2) 进一步发展了射电脉冲星的逆康普顿散射(ICS) 模型并完成了一系列相关工作。3) 进行了脉冲星的偏振分析和有关观测工作,并用其结果对银河系磁场和旋臂结构进行了分析。4) 研究了黑洞脉冲星双星系统的一些特性,为黑洞的搜寻工作作了初步准备。
Recently we have accomplished a series of work in the ICS model of radio pulsars, the physics of compact stars and some relevant problems, such as follow: 1. A series of basic theories in pulsar physics have been investigated quite deeply, including the argument that the BBS might be the more reasonable origin of radio pulsars; 2. Some further progress in the inverse Compton scattering (ICS) model of radio pulsars has been carried out and a series of relevant problems have been finished; 3. Some relevant observations and analyses of polarization of pulsars have been finished and with these results, the Galactic magnetic field and the Galaxy structure have been investigated. 4. Some properties of Black Hole (BH) pulsar systems have been investigated, with some basic preparations for searching of black holes being achieved.