传统的GIS已不能满足各行业的需求 ,随着Internet技术的不断发展 ,在国际互联网上发布地理图形数据已成为现实 ,如何在调用图形数据的同时调用图形的属性数据 ,许多软件提供了解决这个问题的方法 ,本文介绍解决图形数据与存储在外部数据库中的属性数据之间动态连接的问题。
Traditional GIS have not reached the necessary for every purpose.With the developing of Internet technology,it has become possible to publish geographical data in the Internet,several software have given the way that how to dynamic link between spatial data and attribute data which storage in external database.This paper discusses the core technology for dynamic link between MapGuide and external database.
Surveying and Mapping of Sichuan