
裸鼹鼠骨骼标本的制作及其形态学观察 被引量:2

Making of Skeleton Specimens and Morphological Observation in Naked Mole Rat
摘要 目的采用传统方法制备裸鼹鼠骨骼标本,对其骨骼系统进行形态学观察。方法利用水煮法制作裸鼹鼠骨架,与C57BL/6J小鼠骨骼标本比较研究裸鼹鼠骨骼特点,并观察裸鼹鼠股骨三维结构。结果所制作的裸鼹鼠骨架完整洁净,没有骨质损伤,裸鼹鼠头骨、椎骨、肋骨、四肢骨均具有适应于穴居习性的特征。结论裸鼹鼠的骨骼具有典型的适应掘穴生活的特征。 Objective The traditional technique for making skeleton specimen was applied to study the morphology of the skeleton of the naked mole rat. Methods Skeleton specimens of the naked mole rat were made and compared with inbred mice strains C57 BL/6J. Then the three-dimensional structure of the femur was observed in the naked mole rat. Results Skeletons of naked mole rats were made without damaged. The traits of skull, spine, ribs, sternum and limbs of the naked mole rat, which are adapt to their fossorial habits, are discovered. Conclusion Skeletons of the naked mole rat have typical characteristics of adaptation to their fossorial habits.
出处 《实验动物与比较医学》 CAS 2013年第6期493-498,共6页 Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine
基金 上海市科技发展基金项目(No.11140901700)、(No.12140900200)与(No.13140900400)联合资助
关键词 裸鼹鼠 骨骼 制作 形态学观察 Heterocephalus glaber Skeleton specimens Making Morphological Observation
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