
斑马鱼饲养管理操作与动物福利 被引量:2

The Breeding, Husbandry, Technique and Welfare of Zebrafish
摘要 斑马鱼作为一种理想的模式动物广泛的应用于科学试验。近年来,随着对其研究与应用的增加,斑马鱼的使用数量与日俱增。但是对斑马鱼的饲养管理、试验操作和这一系列过程中的动物福利却较少有文献报道,更没有统一的标准。针对此问题,本文综述了相关法规、指导原则及文献,分别对斑马鱼的饲养管理(运输、环境条件、设备维护)、试验操作(繁育、识别标记、麻醉和安死术)和这些过程中的动物福利进行了讨论。旨在为从事斑马鱼相关研究的人员提供参考,保护斑马鱼的福利。 Zebrafish as an ideal animal model was widely used in scientific experiments. In recent years, with the increase in its research and application, the number of zebrafish used is increasing. But the zebrafish's breeding management, operation and the welfare has less been reported, and also there is no SOE To solve this problem, this article reviews the relevant laws and regulations, guidelines and literature, zebrafish's breeding management(Transportation, environmental conditions, equipment maintenance), operation (Breeding, identification mark, anesthesia and euthanasia) and the welfare has been discussed respectively. This paper aims to provide a relevant reference for other researchers, to protect and improve the welfare of zebrafish.
出处 《实验动物与比较医学》 CAS 2013年第6期452-457,共6页 Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine
基金 国家十二五重大新药创制专项基金资助项目(2012ZX09505001-003)
关键词 斑马鱼 饲养管理 实验操作 动物福利 Zebrafish Husbandry Technique Animal welfare
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