目的:了解STAT3、p27在皮肤恶性黑色素瘤(cutaneous malignant melanoma,CMM)发病机制中的作用。方法:采用免疫组化SP法检测了54例皮肤恶性黑色素瘤、22例交界痣、20例正常皮肤组织中STAT3、p27的表达,并分析STAT3、p27两者的相关性。所有数据采用SPSS 17.0统计软件包行卡方检验及相关性分析,检验水准α=0.05,χ2分割检验标准α'=0.0167。结果:①STAT3蛋白在CMM中阳性表达率为77.8%,在皮肤交界痣和正常皮肤中阳性表达率分别为45.0%、35.0%。CMM与皮肤交界痣、正常皮肤相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.0167),皮肤交界痣与正常皮肤相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.0167);②p27蛋白在CMM中阳性表达率为16.7%,在皮肤交界痣和正常皮肤中阳性表达率分别为86.4%、95.0%。CMM与皮肤交界痣、正常皮肤相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.0167)。皮肤交界痣与正常皮肤相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.0167);③STAT3表达与p27表达呈负相关(P=0.000,r=-0.478)。结论:STAT3蛋白可能在CMM的发生、发展中发挥促进作用;p27蛋白在CMM发生中可能起抑癌作用。
Objective To understand the role of STAT3,p27 and CyclinD1 in the pathogenesis of CMM. Methods The SP immunohistochemical technique was used to detect the expression of STAT3, p27, CyclinD1 in the development of CMM. The statistics data were processed by SPSS17.0, using Chi. square test and correlation analysis. The test standard is 0.05 and the standard of X2 division is 0.0167. Results ①Their positive expression of STAT3 in CMM is 77.8%. There were low expression in mole skin junction or normal skin, their positive expression were 45.5%,35.0%. There was a statistical significance between the CMM and mole skin junction or normal skin (P〈0.0167) . There is no statistical significance between mole skin junction and normal skin (P〉0.0167). ②Their positive expression of p27 in CMM is 16.7%. There were low expression in mole skin junction or normal skin, their positive expression were 86.4%,95.0%. There was a statistical significance between the CMM and mole skin junction or normal skin (P〈0.0167). There was no statistical significance between mole skin junction and normal skin (P〉0.0167).③The expressions of STAT3 and p27 in CMM was negatively associated (P=0.000,r=-0.478). Conclusion STAT3 may play a positive role in the occurrence of the CMM. P27 might play a tumor suppressor role in CMM for their low expressions.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine