目的 探讨住院新生儿大肠埃希菌临床分离株菌株之间的亲缘关系,分析大肠埃希菌的流行病学状况。方法 对在北京儿童医院新生儿中心住院的102例新生儿的110株大肠埃希菌临床分离株应用肠杆菌基因间重复共有序列PCR(ERIC-PCR)分型方法进行研究,分析菌株之间的同源性关系。结果 入选的102例新生儿中,男61例,女41例;足月儿94例,早产儿8例;年龄≤7 d25例,〉7 d77例。110株新生儿大肠埃希菌临床分离株经ERIC-PCR分型共58型,指纹图谱条带为4~12条,相似系数为26.2% ~100.0% 。优势基因型有6株,条带为4~5条,相似系数为88.9% ~100.0% 。优势基因型E58型的6株菌株有5株在3月份发病,1株在2月底发病。次优势型E32型的5株菌株中4株分布在5月份,1株在7月份;E23型的5株菌株中4株分布在9月份,1株在10月份。有8对菌株分别来自8例患儿不同时期或不同部位的培养,其中7对经ERIC-PCR分型方法证实分别属于同一型别,另外1对经ERIC-PCR分型证实不是同一型别,亲缘关系较远,故从同源性分析来看不除外不同菌株感染或污染的可能。有2株菌株来自同一患儿的血液和脑脊液,且属于同一基因型,相似系数达100.0% 。5株菌株经ERIC-PCR分型证实菌株间亲缘关系较近,其中1株分离菌株来源的患儿曾与另外4株分离菌株来源的患儿同住一病房,考虑为院内获得性感染。结论 大肠埃希菌感染患儿以足月儿多见,且晚发感染居多,男婴比女婴多。大肠埃希菌引起的呼吸道感染在不同的季节可能有不同的型别流行。来自同一患儿的临床分离株各自的同源性较高,且北京儿童医院存在大肠埃希菌的院内获得性感染。ERIC-PCR分型方法可追踪传染源,有利于院内感染的防控。
Objective To explore the genetic relationship among the isolates of Escherichia coli, and to analyze the epidemiologieal status. Methods One hundred and ten strains of Escherichia coli were isolated from 102 hospitalized neonates in the Neonatal Center of Beijing Children's Hospital. The homologous relation among the strains were typed and studied by using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR) method. Results One hundred and two cases of neonates were selected, including 61 male cases and 41 female cases. Among them,94 cases were full-term infants,8 cases were preterm infants,25 cases ~〈7 days, and 77 cases 〉 7 days. One hundred and ten strains of Escherichia coli isolated clinically by ERIC-PCR typing were divided into 58 types ,fin- gerprints indnded 4 - 12 bands, and the similarity coefficient was between 26.2% and 100.0%. The dominant genotype contained 6 strains,with 4 -5 bands, and the similarity coefficient was 88.9% - 100.0%. In dominant genotype E58,5 out of 6 strains were attacked in March, and 1 strain attacked by the end of February. In the second dominant type E32, 4 out of 5 strains were spread in May, and 1 strain in July. In E23 type ,4 out of 5 strains were distributed in September, and 1 strain in October. There were 8 pairs of clinical isolates from 8 neonatal patients, including 7 pairs of them be- longing to the same genotype, and the other 1 pair of isolates did not belong to the same genotype and was distantly re- lated. From homology analysis point of view, the possibility of the different isolates was infectious or contaminant. Two strains were isolated from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of the same patient, belonging to the same genotype, with 100.0% similarity coefficient. Five isolates were confirmed to have closer relationship by ERIC-PCR genotyping. One i- solate derived from a child and the other 4 isolates derived from the other 4 children were considered hospital-acquired infection since these five children shared one wa
Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
Escherichia coli
Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus
Polymerase chain reaction
Infant, newborn