通过参与中英合作课题“性传播疾病 /艾滋病的预防与控制”的情报服务工作体会到 ,随着现代医学信息需求的发展 ,医学信息服务工作也应发生变化。提出医学信息需求的内容向多元化发展 ,医学信息的服务应向广度和深度延伸 ;医学信息需求的主体向多元化发展 ,信息工作人员必须更新观念 ,转变工作模式 ,变被动服务为主动服务 ;信息资源共建共享是满足多元化信息需求的根本途径。
By participating the information service of Sino-British cooperative project on prevention and control of STD/AIDS, the authors experienced that medical information service should change according to the development of modern demands for medical information. It is proposed in this paper that medical information service should extend its scope and depth along with the pluralization of medical information demands which asks information workers to renew their ideas, transfer the work model from passive service to active service, and that the co-developing and sharing of information resources are the essential way to meet the pluralistic information demands.
Chinese Journal of Medical Library