
落实科教兴昭 迎接知识经济的挑战

Accept Challenge by Knowledge Economy, Implementing Development of Zhaotong through Science-technology
摘要 知识经济扑面而来,引起了世界各国的关注,中国也不例外。什么是知识经济?它的本质和内容是什么?有哪些新现象?给我国带来什么机遇和挑战?本文对此作了阐述,并就如何落实科教兴昭阐述了自己的观点。 Knowledge economy is coming towards us, it attracts attention from countries over the world, China is no exception. What is Knowledge economy? What is its nature and content? What are the new phenomena? What chances and challenges will it bring to our country? This artical expounds these problems and puts forwards its own viewpoints on how to implement development of Zhaotong through science and technology.
作者 蒋毅
出处 《昭通师范高等专科学校学报》 1999年第4期45-49,共5页 Journal of Zhaotong Teacher's College
关键词 知识经济 科教兴昭 竞争全球化 经济增长 农村 Knowledge economy, pressure, challenge, development of Zhaotong through science and technology
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