分月扇舟蛾是为害杨树的重要害虫。在内蒙古呼和浩特市 1a发生 3代 ,以 2、3龄幼虫在寄主树皮缝、树基草丛或石块缝隙等隐蔽处作薄茧越冬。每年早春至 6月为害甚烈。本文记述了该虫的生活史 ,发育历期、生活习性、发生与环境的关系及天敌情况 ,提出了防治建议。
The Clostera anastomsis Linnaeus is an important pest infesting on poplar trees.It develops three generation per year in the city of Huhhot,Inner Mongolia and overwinters with 2-3ird instars larvae in trunk tegument-gaps of parasitic,or in clumps and gaps of the stone around the trees.It damages the poplar-leaves badly in early spring and from June to July.Its life history,development at various stages,habits,relationship between occurrence and environment,and its natural enemies were dealt with.Last,the control methods were advanced.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)