菜粉蝶 (Pierisrapae)幼虫取食芫花粗提物 2 4h后 ,中肠淀粉酶、蛋白酶、酯酶、转化酶的活力增强 ,其中肠组织中淀粉酶及肠腔中蛋白酶活力增强的程度达显著水平 ;粗提物使海藻糖酶活力下降 ,差异达显著水平。石蜡切片表明 ,芫花引起细胞核向肠腔内侧移动 ,围食膜逐渐消失 ,肠壁细胞中的空泡显著增多、增大 ,肠组织结构变得没有层次性。电镜观察表明 ,芫花粗提物处理 2 4h后 ,引起细胞内粗糙内质网上的核糖体数量明显增多 ,线粒体内嵴开始模糊、肿胀。因而认为 ,粗提物刺激肠组织超量分泌消化酶 ,加之抑食作用使取食量减少 ,导致体重减轻 。
The alcohol active extract from the plant \%Daphne genkwa\% is a strong antifeedant to \%Abraxas miranda, Pieris rapae.\% The experiments were carried out with \%P. rapae\% to find the mechanism affected by the active extract. The activities of various digest digest enzymes except trehalase, both in epithelium and lumen of mid\|gut, were enhanced by the extract when they were compared to the control. The reason causing the enhancing activity of the digest enzyme may be that the extract stimulates the epithelium cells to secrete a super\|amount of digest enzyme to degrade or combined the extract to coothe or wipe out the poison. So a great quantity of energy and amino acid are consumed. Another reason is probably a number of sulphur\|contaming amino acids are depleted owing to secrete large amounts of trypsin and chymotryspin, resulting in imbalance of amino acids, and causing the anti\|nutritional effects.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae
国家自然科学基金!项目批准号 3 9770 619