The shear wave velocity of soil is one of the most widely used parameters of geotechnical engineering investigation and seismic safety evaluation.It is indispensable for the determination of site classification and soil response calculation,and is also indispensable for calculating the predominant period of building site,judging liquefaction of sand foundation,test the result of foundation soil reinforcement treatment and elastic modulus.In this project,when there is no measured shear wave velocity according to the standard penetration value or the depth of soil layer using the statistical relationship for soil layer shear wave velocity,and with a large number of ongoing engineering constructions in the same city,the repetition of shear wave velocity testing not only affects the progress of the project,but also increases the project investment.Therefore,it is reasonable to assume that the empirical relationship between the soil shear wave velocity and the depth of soil,which will accelerate the construction of major projects in the process,has significant social and economic benefits.Since the 1970s,scholars at home and abroad (e.g.,Hardin [Year]) that conduct research on the shearwave velocity of statistical relationships believe that the shear wave velocity and the depth of the soil layer have better statistical relationships,which can be mainly divided into three types of the power function,linear function and a polynomial.Kashi is an ancient border city of the western motherland with a history of over two thousand years.Kashi city decided in 2008 to carry out the seismic microzonation.The working range was 105 km2,in which 105 drill holes were laid,and then more than 1600 test points of the shear wave velocity were obtained.This work laid the foundation for the study on empirical relationship between the soil shear wave velocity and soil depths in Kashgar city.In this paper,based on statistical studies of the empirical relationships between the soil shear wave velocity and soil depth,according to the unit
China Earthquake Engineering Journal
Kashi city
site soil
shear wave velocity
geomorphic unit
soil depth
statistical regression