The adaptability to the complex envi- ronment is very important for mobile robot. The elliptic legs combines the locomotion performance advantages of the wheeled and the legged. With el- liptic- curve legs, the mobile robot in the terrain has a good locomotion performance, but the dy- namics of the elliptic - curve leg and the ground isn't in- depth study, especially elliptic legs in soft sandy medium. The paper mainly including the de- sign of the leg - terrain experimental platform and the elliptic - curve legs locomotion performance a- nalysis including the length of the gravity center, the cycle step, the forward speed and the propul- sive efficiency. The locomotion performance of the mobile platform to provide experimental basis forthe optimization of the elliptic - curve leg. The leg -terrain experiment has important meaningful to the mechanical design of elliptic - curve legs and the control of the elliptic- ccurve robot.
Machinery & Electronics
sandy medium
elliptic - curve legsleg- terrain experimental platform