
沙地环境下椭圆型腿运动特性实验研究 被引量:1

Experimental Study on the Locomotion Performance of Elliptic-curve Leg in Sandy Medium
摘要 对移动机器人来说,适应复杂环境是相当重要的。椭圆型腿结合了轮式和腿式的优点,具有椭圆型腿的移动机器人在地面运动中有很好的运动性能,但椭圆型腿与地面的动力学还没有深入的研究,尤其是椭圆型腿在松软沙地介质的通过性。主要介绍椭圆型腿在沙地介质中运动性能的研究实验平台的设计,同时对其运动性能进行分析。通过对移动平台重心起伏、周期步长、前进速度和推进效率的分析,为椭圆型腿的优化提供实验依据。椭圆腿的足地实验对椭圆型腿的优化设计和移动机器人的控制有重要意义。 The adaptability to the complex envi- ronment is very important for mobile robot. The elliptic legs combines the locomotion performance advantages of the wheeled and the legged. With el- liptic- curve legs, the mobile robot in the terrain has a good locomotion performance, but the dy- namics of the elliptic - curve leg and the ground isn't in- depth study, especially elliptic legs in soft sandy medium. The paper mainly including the de- sign of the leg - terrain experimental platform and the elliptic - curve legs locomotion performance a- nalysis including the length of the gravity center, the cycle step, the forward speed and the propul- sive efficiency. The locomotion performance of the mobile platform to provide experimental basis forthe optimization of the elliptic - curve leg. The leg -terrain experiment has important meaningful to the mechanical design of elliptic - curve legs and the control of the elliptic- ccurve robot.
出处 《机械与电子》 2013年第11期77-80,共4页 Machinery & Electronics
关键词 沙地介质 椭圆型腿 足地实验平台 sandy medium elliptic - curve legsleg- terrain experimental platform
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