
高韧性苯并噁嗪的合成及其在层压板中的应用 被引量:2

Synthesis of benzoxazine with high toughness and its application in laminate
摘要 以甲醛、二元胺及十二烷基酚为原料合成了1种新型苯并噁嗪树脂(FBZ),采用红外光谱、核磁氢谱对FBZ的结构进行了表征,通过示差扫描量热及热失重分析对其固化物(PFBZ)的热性能进行了研究,并首次将FBZ应用于层压板,研究了FBZ用量对层压板力学性能的影响。结果表明,PFBZ的玻璃化转变温度,5%热失重温度分别为135℃和339℃,800℃残炭率为50%,耐热性好;随着FBZ用量的增加,层压板的弯曲强度由560MPa上升至720 MPa,拉伸强度由355 MPa提高至469 MPa,韧性高。 The novel benzoxazine (FBZ)was synthesized using formaldehyde, diamine and dedocyl phenol as mate- rials. The structure of FBZ was characterized by FTIR and 1H - NMR. The thermal properties of FBZ cured product (PFBZ) was studied by DSC and TGA. The FBZ was applied in the laminate for the first time and the effect of FBZ amount on the mechanical properties of laminate was investigated. The result showed that the PFBZ had good heat resistance and its glass transition temperature, 5% weight loss temperature and char yield at 800℃ was 135 ℃, 339℃ and 50% , respectively. The flexural strength of FBZ was increased from 560 MPa to 720 MPa and tensile strength was incresed from 355 MPa to 469 MPa with the increasing of FBZ amount. The FBZ had high toughness.
出处 《热固性树脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期45-48,共4页 Thermosetting Resin
基金 国家863基金项目(2013AA030701)资助
关键词 高韧性 苯并噁嗪 层压板 弯曲强度 拉伸强度 high toughness benzoxazine laminate flexural strength tensile strength
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