目的:了解失能老年人选择居家长期照护原因及其影响因素,为分类别、分人群开展长期照护服务提供参考。方法:采用自设问卷调查728名援疆汉族失能老年人的一般情况及其选择居家长期照护的原因,并运用Multinomial Logistic回归分析法分析失能老年人选择居家长期照护的影响因素。结果:56.0%的失能老年人受"恋家情结"的影响而选择在家中接受照护;个体特征、来疆历史背景、失能程度等是失能老年人选择居家长期照护的影响因素。结论:相关部门在发展本地区的长期照护时,应重点提高居家照护服务质量,关注失能程度较重、经济状况较差以及老年失能女性群体。
Objective: To explore the reasons of the disabled elders to choose long-term home care, in order to supply evidence for sub-category and sub-populationg long-term care. Methods:Self-made questionnaire was used and 728 disabled elders in Xinjiang province were investigated about the general condition and reasons for choosing long-term home care, and multi-nomialLogisticswasusedtoanalysetheinfluencingfactors.Results:Theresultsshowed56.0%disabledelderschoselong- term home care due to Homesick complex,and individual characteristics, the background and the disabled degree were the main factors that influencing disabled elders to chooselong-term home care. Conclusion: The relevant departments should focus on the quality of home care service, pay more attention to high disabled level,poor economic status, old disabled woman group in order to develop long-term care.
Chinese Nursing Management