Recently,Nature published a paper(Nature 2013,494:468—471.)entitled'Specialized appendages in fuxianhuiids and the head organization of early euarthropods',by Prof.Zhang Xiguang and coworkers from Yunnan University.The newly discovered Xiaoshiba Lagerstatte from the early Cambrian(Stage 3)Hongjingshao Formation of Kunming is associated with many articulated trilobites,which are representatives of either later Qiongzhusian or early Canglangpuian.The finding of exquisitely preserved fuxianhuiids is a vital ingredient in understanding the paleobiology of this extinct group.More generally,the intriguing Xiaoshiba Lagerstatte may provide further
Recently,Nature published a paper (Nature 2013, 494: 468--471. ) entitled "Specialized appendages in fuxianhuiids and the head organization of early euarthropods", by Prof. Zhang Xiguang and coworkers from Yunnan University. The newly discovered Xiaoshiba Lagerstatte from the early Cambrian (Stage 3) Hongjingshao Formation of Kunming is associated with many articulated trilobites, which are representa- tives of either later Qiongzhusian or early Canglangpuian.