
MSCTU在泌尿系统病变中的诊断价值 被引量:1

The Value of MSCTU in Diagnosis of Urinary System Diseases
摘要 目的:探讨多层螺旋CT尿路造影(MSCTU)对泌尿系病变的诊断价值。方法:收集339例行KUB及IVP或B超检查后,因需要明确诊断或了解泌尿系的功能及组织关系而进行MSCTU检查的病例。行CT平扫、肾脏增强双期扫描尿路造影。扫描完成后,经过最大密度投影(MIP)显示全尿路影像,对感兴趣区进行旋转以得到显示病变及全尿路图像;采用多平面容积重建(MPVR)方法得到尿路立体影像,泌尿系病变与周围解剖结构关系的图像资料。结果:所有病例完成全尿路扫描。本组243例泌尿系结石,MSCTU平扫显示241例(99.1%),包括37例单纯输尿管结石,52例单纯肾脏结石及152例肾脏、输尿管及膀胱多发结石;CT平扫未见而造影所见的2例结石病例中有2例因为发现梗阻部位重新阅读图像资料而发现。结论:MSCTU利用MSCT超高速、全腹部扫描,经过图像薄层重建和多项后处理技术,较好显示泌尿系全貌,其丰富的图像资料为临床提供了极为有用的信息,可作为临床一种极佳的辅助诊断手段。 Objective: To evaluate the multi-slice spiral CT urography (MSCTU) in diagnosis of urinary system disease. Methods: 339 patients underwent KUB and IVP or B ultrasound examination, and MSCTU examination because of the function and organization diagnosis or urinary system need eases. CT plain scan, renal dual-phase scanning urography. After the scan is complete, the maximum intensity projection (MIP)showed that the urinary tract imaging, rotate to obtain display lesions and total urinary images on the region of interest; using multiple planar reconstruction (MPR) and volume rendering (VR) methods are urinary tract stereo images, image anatomy relationship of urologic diseases with the surrounding. Results: All the patients completed the whole urinary scanning. This group of urinary calculi in 243 cases, MSCTU scan showed 241 cases (99.1%), including 37 cases of ureteral stones, 52 cases of renal calculi and 152 cases of kidney, ureter and bladder stone~ CT scan and 2 cases were stone cases angiography in 2 patients due to ob- struction of to read image data and found. Conclusion: MSCTU with MSCT super high-speed, full scan of the abdomen, after processing function of image reconstruction and multiple, show the panorama of the uri- nary system, abundant image data provides very useful information for clinical, can be used as auxiliary diag- nostic means for clinical an excellent.
作者 叶利
出处 《数理医药学杂志》 2013年第6期722-724,共3页 Journal of Mathematical Medicine
关键词 多层螺旋CT 尿路造影 泌尿系疾病 multi-slice spiral CT urography urologic diseases
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