对河北省北部的坝上及燕山地区和南部的平原农区的粗饲料资源和草食家畜的分布进行了调查研究。结果表明 ,坝上及燕山地区草地超载 2 4 4 .0 1万个羊单位。而平原农区的农作物秸秆资源利用率较低 ,建立肉牛“北繁南育”生产体系 ,实行异地育肥 ,可以有效解决北部地区的草畜矛盾 ,并可提高农区的秸秆利用率。
In this paper an investigation was introduced on the roughage resources and hebivorous livestock distribution in Bashang and Yanshan in the north of Hebei province and the south agricultural district of Hebei province.The results showed that the amounts of overloading on the grassland of Bashang and Yanshan are 244.02×10 4 sheep unit.and utilization ratio of crop straws is low in the agricultural district.Establishment of the system of reproducting in the north and finshing in the south will solve the contradiction between the grass and livestock in the north,and raise utilization rate of straws in southern agricultural areas.
Journal of Yellow Cattle Science