利用UG NX 6.0的MoldWizard设计多型腔模具时,由于UG NX 6.0的参数化和关联技术的原因,流道位置信息容易出错。为了正确设计流道,利用去除参数化的原理,通过合并腔技术、手工创建型芯技术和基于WAVE的自顶向下装配的技术,解决了流道信息错误的问题,实现了多腔模流道的正确设计,同时这些技术可解决由于参数化和关联技术导致的其他错误。
: When design multi-cavity mould in UG NX 6.0 with MoldWizard, port location information is error-prone due to parametric and relating technology in UG NX 6.0. In or- der to correctly design the flow, using the principle of removing the parameterized, by mer- ging the cavity technology, manually creating core technology and top-down assembly tech- nology based on WAVE, port location information error was solved and multi-cavity flow correctly design was realized. In the meantime, these technology can be used to solve other problems caused by parametric and relating technology.
Die and Mould Technology