
基于GCC实现飞腾处理器向量处理单元的编译器后端 被引量:3

Implementing Compiler Backend for Vector Processing Unit of FT Processor Based on GCC
摘要 编译器后端是针对特定目标机器的编译器实现,不同的指令集体系结构需要实现不同的编译器后端。面向飞腾处理器中向量处理单元(FT-VPU)的体系结构和指令集,基于GCC编译器实现了编译器后端,使GCC能够正确编译面向FT-VPU的SIMD指令的内嵌函数。从四路双精度SIMD指令的机器描述出发,总结了在GCC后端所做的实现工作。其对基于GCC编译器实现面向特定目标机器的编译器后端有较大的参考价值。 Compiler backend is the implementations in a compiler for a specific target machine. Different instruction set architecture needs different implementations of compiler backend. Targeting for the architecture and instruction set of the Vector Processing Unit (VPU) in FT processor, we implemented the compiler backend based on GCC. And we made it possihle for GCC to correctly compile the intrinsic functions oriented to the SIMD instructions in FT-VPU. In this paper, from the machine description for the four-way double precision SIMD instructions, we concluded the backend implementations in GCC for FT-VPU. Our work is valuable reference to implement a compiler backend for a specific target machine based on GCC.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期19-22,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目:多核多线程处理器SIMD扩展的编程模型和编译优化关键技术研究(61170046) 国家863计划项目:面向国产飞腾处理器的并行程序综合优化技术与系统(2012AA010903)资助
关键词 飞腾处理器 向量处理单元 GCC 编译器后端 FT processor, Vector processing unit, GCC, Compiler backend
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