
基于UUV动力学模型的导航方法 被引量:2

UUV dynamic model-based navigation method
摘要 提出了一种基于无人水下航行器(UUV)动力学模型的航位推算导航方法.该方法根据UUV系统执行机构的输入,实时解算UUV的速度信息,进而实现航位推算导航,使得UUV导航系统在一定程度上摆脱了对于多普勒计程仪(DVL)的绝对依赖,排除了UUV水下航行时因DVL故障所带来的航行安全隐患.同时,针对UUV动力学模型对于外界环境无法感知的问题,利用最小二乘与基于模型的海流估计方法得到了UUV航行环境的海流信息,将海流信息加入到UUV导航系统中,以减少海流对于速度解算的干扰,进一步提高了导航精度.结合UUV湖试试验数据,利用数据重演的方法验证了其可行性与有效性. An underwater navigation method based on unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV)dynamic model was studied. According to the dynamic model and inputs of the system, the real time velocity information could be acquired. The method made the navigation system get rid of reliance of doppler velocity log (DVL) to some extent, UUV undenwater excluded due to failure caued by DVL navija- tional saty hazards. At the same time, to solve the problem that UUV dynamic model can't obtain the environment information of sailing area, information about ocean currents UUV navjagation erwiron- ment was got by the least squares and currents extimation method based model, the dynamic model based current estimating method was used to estimate the current velocity. Combined the current mes- sage with UUV navigation system, the speed of currents solver for interference was reduced, naviga- tion accuracy could be improved. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness were verified by the actual data from lake trials,combined with UUV lake pilot test data.
出处 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期108-113,共6页 Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51179038) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-10-0053)
关键词 动力学模型 无人水下航行器 航位推算 水下导航 海流估计 dynamic model unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) dead reckoning underwater navigation current estimation
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