
一种基于四相编码和优化阵列的MIMO STAP实现方法

Method for MIMO STAP Based on Four-phase Code and Coarray
摘要 多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达多信号间正交性和天线阵列结构影响空时自适应处理(STAP)性能。为了提高多信号间正交性,提出了基于遗传算法优化提高四相编码的自相关峰值并降低互相关峰值方法,保证了多发射信号间良好正交性,基本抑制了盲速影响。针对天线阵列稀疏导致盲速、阵元密布导致天线孔径过小的问题,基于最大连续孔径思想,提出了一种优化阵列结构,在不显著增加天线阵列长度和阵元数目条件下,与四相编码信号结合,实现了动目标检测。仿真实验证明,基于四相编码正交信号和收发阵列设计,MIMO STAP可实现良好动目标检测性能。 Structure of the antenna array and orthogonality between signals greatly affects the Space-Time A-daptive Processing (STAP) performance of a Multiple Input Multiple Output(MIMO) radar. In order to en-hance the cross orthogonality between multiple signals, a method based on genetic algorithm (GA) is pro-posed to increase autocorrelation peak and lower cross-correlation peak. In order to eliminate blind speed caused by sparse array and solve the problem of aperture being too short caused by complete dense structure, a coarray structure is proposed based on the idea of getting longer continuous aperture. High STAP perform-ance is realized without too long array aperture. Simulation testifies that MIMO STAP can achieve high mov-ing target detection performance through design of orthogonal signals and transmit-receive array.
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2013年第11期1441-1445,共5页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61302153) 陕西省自然科学基金资助项目(2011JQ8040) 航空基金项目(20122096011)~~
关键词 多输入多输出雷达 空时自适应处理 四相编码 优化阵列 遗传算法 动目标检测 MIMO radar STAP four-phase code coarray genetic algorithm moving target detection
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