
施用硫肥对陕西关中地区冬小麦氮、硫吸收与转运及产量的影响 被引量:14

Effects of sulfur application rate on the absorption and translocation of nitrogen and sulfur and grain yield of winter wheat in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi
摘要 为了解陕西省关中地区冬小麦小偃22氮、硫吸收与转运及产量对硫肥的响应,通过大田试验研究了不同施硫水平下冬小麦的氮、硫吸收转运规律和产量效应。结果表明,全生育期内各器官的吸硫量随施硫量的增加而提高,吸氮量随施硫量的增加先升高后降低;施硫促进了小麦花后营养器官氮、硫向子粒的运转,氮素向子粒的转运率(71.40%75.27%)远远高于硫素向子粒的转运率(8.52%27.73%),同时增加了总转运量对子粒氮、硫的贡献率。各器官中的N/S比随着施硫量的增加而降低,其中,孕穗期叶片中的N/S比变异最显著,与产量的相关性最好。子粒产量随施硫量的增加而增加,在施硫量为S 150 kg/hm2时,增产幅度达30.1%。因此,在施硫量为S 37.5 150kg/hm2范围内,增施硫肥可促进冬小麦对氮、硫的吸收和转运,提高单位面积穗数和每穗粒数,有显著增产效果。 The objective of this field experiment was to clarify the effect of sulfur application on the absorption and translocation of nitrogen and sulfur and grain yield of winter wheat. The experiment included five sulfur application rates(S 0, 37.5, 75, 112. 5, and 150 kg/ha). The experiment was conducted in the Guanzhong area, Shaanxi Province, China, from October 2011 to June 2012. The results showed that sulfur concentrations in winter wheat plants gradually increased as the sulfur application rate increased. In contrast, nitrogen concentrations increased, reached a maximum, and then decreased as the sulfur application rate increased. The application of sulfur fertilizer increased nitrogen and sulfur translocation from vegetative organs to grain after anthesis. The nitrogen translocation rates(71.40%-75.27% ) were much higher than those of sulfur(8. 52%-27. 73%). The application of sulfur fertilizer also increased the contribution of both nitrogen and sulfur translocation to grain. The leaf nitrogen/sulfur ratios were highest at booting and then declined after anthesis. Throughout the growing season, we observed that the nitrogen/sulfur ratio decreased as the sulfur application rate increased. Correlation analysis showed that the nitrogen/ sulfur ratio at the hooting stage was closely related with grain yield. The study also indicated that grain yield increased as the sulfur application rate increased. Grain yield was 30. 14% higher in the sulfur 150 kg/ha treatment than in the unfertilized treatment. In conclusion, the application of sulfur fertilizer at rates between 37. 5 and sulfur 150 kg/ha increased the uptake and translocation of nitrogen and sulfur. The sulfur fertilizer input also increased the number of spikes per unit area and grains per spike, therefore increasing winter wheat yield significantly.
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1321-1328,共8页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 农业科研杰出人才及其创新团队培养计划项目资助
关键词 硫肥 吸收 转运 N S比 产量 sulfur fertilizer absorption translocation nitrogen/sulfur ratio zrain viald
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