采用流水法现场比较研究了不同季节(夏季和秋季)育珠和未育珠三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cummingii)的耗氧率。所用三角帆蚌为养殖在同一个池塘中的同一批的3龄蚌。夏季和秋季实验所用的育珠蚌插片后的养殖时间分别为83 d和128 d。实验结果表明,夏季育珠蚌(蚌重137.6 g±14.4 g)的耗氧率为(769±267)mg/(kg·h),显著低于未育珠蚌(蚌重100.3±15.0 g)的耗氧率[(1 146±265)mg/(kg·h)]。秋季育珠蚌(蚌重144.2 g±16.2 g)的耗氧率[(632±191)mg/(kg·h)]与未育珠蚌(蚌重134.4±17.9 g)的耗氧率[(601±137)mg/(kg·h)]相比无显著差异。无论夏季或秋季,育珠蚌和未育珠蚌耗氧率在夜间均高于白天。在夏季将育珠蚌和未育珠蚌连续饥饿3 d后其耗氧率均显著下降;而在秋季连续饥饿3 d后育珠蚌和未育珠蚌耗氧率变化相对较小。本实验结果证实插片育珠可影响三角帆蚌耗氧率,但不会改变三角帆蚌耗氧率的昼夜节律;插片育珠对三角帆蚌耗氧率的影响程度因养殖季节而异。
In this study, oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of grafted and non-grafted Hyriopsis cummingii was measured with flow-through respirometry in situ in summer (83 days after graft operation) and autumn (128 days after graft operation), respectively. In summer, the OCR of the non-grafted H. curnrningii [ ( 1 145. 98 ±265. 22) rag/( kg ·h) ] was higher than that of the grafted H. curnmingii [ (768.61 ± 267.41 ) mg/( kg · h) ]. However, no significant difference was found in the OCR between the non-grafted H. cummingii [ (600. 56 ±136. 76) rag/( kg ·h) ] and grafted H. cummingii [ (632. 38 ± 191, 10) mg/( kg ·h) ] in autumn. The OCR of the grafted H. cummingii and non-grafted H. cummingii showed a diel rhythm, and the OCR was higher at 0:00 -6:00 than at 12:00 -18: 00. In summer, the OCR of the grafted H. cumrningii and non-grafted H. cummingii significantly decreased after starvation for 3 days. No significant change was found in the OCR of the grafted H. cummingii and non-grafted H. cummingii after starvation for 3 days in autumn. Results of this study revealed that the graft operation can influence the OCR of the H. cummingii, without changing the diel rhythm in OCR. The influence of the graft operation on the OCR is season dependent.
Freshwater Fisheries