
PDCA法在我院高危药品管理中的应用 被引量:27

Application of PDCA in the Management of High-alert Medications in Our Hospital
摘要 目的:探讨PDCA(计划、执行、检查、处理)法在医院高危药品管理中的应用和效果。方法:从某院高危药品目录的确定、摆放、调剂、使用、检查等方面建立高危药品管理制度;根据制度实施后出现的实际问题再采用PDCA法,以提高高危药品标识正确率为指标分析原因、拟定对策、定期检查效果并进行质量持续改进。结果:采取了完善高危药品管理制度、编制高危药品知识手册、加强全员培训及重点科室的检查等多项措施进行质量持续改进,使高危药品标识正确率由改进前的80%提高到改进后的100%。结论:该院建立的高危药品管理制度切实可行,且PDCA法能够促进高危药品的管理。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the application and effect of PDCA management method (plan, do, check, action) in the management of hospital high-alert medications. METHODS: The management system of high-alert medications was established in respects of establishment of high-alert medicine list, arrangement, dispensary, application and examination. According to the problems of the management of high-alert medications, the project of increasing the accurate rate of high-alert medications logo was set up, and measures were made out on promotion followed by supervising the practice for continuous improvement using PD- CA. RESULTS: The countermeasures included improvir^g management system of high-alert medications, compiling information handbook, strengthening medical staff training and impoltant department checking, etc. After the implementation of PDCA cycle, the accurate rate of high-alert medications logo increased from 80% to 100%. CONCLUSIONS: Established management system of hospital high-alert medications is feasible and practical, and it can be improved by PDCA management method.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2013年第45期4261-4263,共3页 China Pharmacy
关键词 PDCA 高危药品 管理 质量持续改进 PDCA High-alert medications Manageaaent Continuous quality improvement
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