运用 AMMI模型对 1 996年全国籼型杂交稻区域试验中稻两系组资料进行分析 ,结果表明 :组合稳定性评价很重要 ,基因型与环境的互作达极显著水平 ,互作效应 (平方和 )几乎为基因型效应 (平方和 )的 2倍 ,AMMI模型的前三个主成分共解释了 80 .4 1 %的交互作用信息 ,为线性回归模型的 3 .1倍。安湘 S/ 871 3、两优 T63表现出较高产且稳产 ,培矮 64 S/山青 1 1、培矮 64 S/ 2 4 1 0、培矮 63 S/ R3 1 8表现较稳产而不高产 ,两优 79、培矮 64 S/ JR1 0 68既不高产也不稳产。
Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model was applied to analyze the yield data in regional trail of the Two line group of middle season indica rice.The results showed that the effects of genotype,environment and genotype×environment(G×E) were highly significant,and the effect of G×E was about two times as large as that of genotype.AMMI3 model captured 80.41% of G×E interaction SS.whereas the linear regression model only explained 25.88% of the interaction SS.The crosses Anxiang S/8713 and Liangyou T63 had higher and stabler grain yield.Cross Pei'ai 64S/Shanqing 11,Pei'ai 64S/2410 and Pei'ai 64S/R318 had lower and stabler grain yield,however,Liangyou 79 and Pei'ai 64S/JR1068 had lower but unstabler grain yield.
Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University