

Malicious Behavior Detection Method Based on Critical Points Reuse
摘要 针对恶意程序使用反虚拟执行技术,分析人员在虚拟环境中不能检测到恶意行为的问题,提出了基于关键点复用的恶意行为检测方法。首先通过静态分析,检测程序中的反虚拟执行关键点;提取程序动态运行时调用的API函数,并在程序运行至关键点时创建当前快照;最后,当运行至路径结束点时通过关键点复用运行另一路径。实验结果表明,该方法能有效对抗恶意程序采用的反虚拟执行技术,从而检测恶意行为。 A malicious behavior detection method based on critical points reuse is proposed in order to solve the problem that analysts can not detect malicious behaviors in virtual environment when anti-virtual execution technology is used by a malware. Firstly, the method detects anti-virtual execution critical points through static analysis, then captures critical API functions when the program runs in virtual environment and creates snapshots at the critical points, and finally, executes a different path through critical point reuse at the end of the path. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively resist anti-virtual execution technologies in malwares and detect malicious behaviors.
出处 《信息工程大学学报》 2013年第5期624-628,共5页 Journal of Information Engineering University
基金 河南省重大科技攻关专项(092101210500)
关键词 恶意程序 虚拟环境 反虚拟执行 关键点复用 恶意行为 malware virtual environment anti-virtual execution critical points reuse malicious behaviors
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